How long we've been married

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, November 12, 2010

Prestons Update

Hey all!
Its been a while. I know. Don't have to tell me twice. I have gotten a lot of "just update the blog already" emails so I am FINALLY I am doing it. Not much has changed, thats one source of the non-posting lately. That and we have just been too tired, busy, or too lazy to post. So, sorry.

We moved! In case you missed the memo. We moved from Bountiful to Sandy. Its so much nicer in this apartment. I can't really see how we stayed at the other one so long. This one is amazing.

John has been staying busy at work, though its in Logan which is 2 hours away, one direction. Lets just say he is tired. Working 10 hour days and then add on 4 hours just to get to and from work that day makes him a little miserable at times. But he's doing alright I think. Hopefully he can put in for a transfer and get this time.

I am staying busy at school. Clinic is kicking my butt, even though I only do that once a week its still exhausting. I do get the odd clients though which can distract me from how tired I am while I'm working at least for a little while. I am officially half way done with school!!! I can't believe it. Now this last half just needs to fly by so I can be done already.

On a lighter note, CHRISTMAS is in just 7 weeks! We are so excited! We can't wait to come to Texas this year for christmas, for a whole week. It will be so nice to not have to rush the whole trip to see everyone. ah. For once a relaxing holiday break. It's going to be AWESOME! Well thats our life in a nut shell. Love and Miss you all like crazy!