How long we've been married

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Savannah Brown!

                         July 28th was Miss Savannah's 7th birthday! 

She is such a cutie! I didn't know her till about two years ago when my sister found her husband Chris and this tike tagged along with him, and from the first moment I met her she said, " Your my Aunt Sara now!" :) Now its Aunt RaRa like Hope calls me. I love this little girl. I wish that show Kids Say the Darndest Things was still on cause she just lays it out there and it is hilarious most of the time! She has got some serious S-A-S-S too. She fits in nicely with this family for sure! Thats all we are is sass and sarcasm! None of us can get enough of her either. Trisha and Chris had a birthday party for her yesterday and you guessed it I took some pictures! So here they are:
They bought this slip-n-slide and they had tons of fun with it! They were doing contests to see who could go the fastest down the slide!


Crash and burn! but they still loved it! 

Jaidan liked it, from a far. He would go up to it but then he would feel the water was cold so then he decided nah I don't want to play in it.

Hope and Savannah


They got a pool too! 

This little girl is Taylor, she was so adorable, I wanted to take her home! With her chunky little legs.

Savannah in this picture was jumping to fall on purpose! Lets just say she succeeded...a few times.

Time to sing happy birthday!

Time for presents!!! 

She was so excited for these roller blades! It was pretty cute!

And last but not least a picture with her favorite Aunt RaRa. Then there is Aunt Amber in the back ground pulling funny faces. lol.


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Today I went down to my pool at my apartments to go swimming with these very special people of mine! My sister Trish and her kids, Hope, Savannah, and Jaidan came over to enjoy some fun in the sun today. It was a blast! Lexi, my other niece came over too to enjoy it with us! I got some great pictures of just how much fun these little ones were having!

Trish was able to get into the pool with them and play around. I couldn't cause of the infection I still have so I stayed out and basked in the sun and soaked up some vitamin D.

Savannah was having a ton of fun going to the side and jumping in, without her float tube!

She thought she was just the coolest!

Oh my Hopers. She was so cute. She "doesn't like to jump in" so she just stayed in her tube floating away from end to end.

Ahh relaxing. 

Now here is Jaidan. He was a little nervous at first but once he got in he just went crazy!
He thought he was awesome for swimming all by himself with no one holding on!

Can you believe this kid? Look at that cheesy smile of his!

Lexi and Savannah had a jumping contest to see who could jump the furthest and highest. 

Lexi doing her "duper double twist" as she called it.

Can I just say little girls and boys with toothless smiles is adorable! Hope and Savannah both have lost at least one of their two front teeth. hahaha 

All having a good time!

Ok, so Jaidan got so scared the first time Trish had him jump in but then once he figured out it was fun she couldn't pull him away from it! He would say, "Aunt Sara take my picture! Look!"

I love days like these. I wish they would come more often! :)


So today I am feeling a little better. Not 100% yet but I think I am finally headed in that direction! HALLELUJAH! After 6 plus weeks of this garbage its about time! Hopefully I will continue to progress the way I should have from the beginning. Thank you everyone for the prayers and well wishes, you are all amazing people! I will continue to post updates on how I am feeling!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Not so well surgery update.

So yesterday was my surgery, Everything went okay I guess during the surgery. They did end up blasting it into two pieces but when they got in there they think the stone was once again bigger than anticipated so when they split it up the two pieces it ended up to be were still significant in size and they couldn't collect all the baby pieces that broke off the two pieces they did. So they did put in the stent which is just temporary not permanent like I thought but that was the most uncomfortable thing ever! They left this string about 7-8 inches long hanging out so when the time came to remove they could just pull on the string and get it out. Well once we got me home about 2 I was going to the bathroom and some how snagged the string on my underwear which hurt something fierce. then I went about my day and Lexi and my dad and penny,Kristi, Wesley, Amber, Jared, Trisha, Chris, Hope, Jaidan and Chris's nephew Gage came over to celebrate Lexi's birthday by going swimming and came back to our apartment to eat some pizza and cupcakes and ice cream when I started noticing a lot of liquid just constantly draining. And I did know that some blood and a little liquid was normal but this was a ton, so much that it was soaking through these pads I have to wear and my underwear and pants. It looked like I peed my pants. and It keep doing that like a constant leak so I called the on-call doctor and he said that when I snagged it earlier I pulled the stent out of place and was now just allowing all the fluid I was taking in to just pass straight through my bladder and out. So I had no control over when I pee'd and when I didn't. It just came all the time. So he said I needed it to come out. HE WANTED ME TO PULL IT OUT MYSELF!!!! Then he came to tell me that, that would be extremely unpleasant and would hurt but to take a pain pill and get in a  hot bath then pull it out or go to the ER and have them do it. Well I was already in a great deal of pain and I was so raw down there and in side that John and I didn't dare do it ourselves seems how I don't have that great of a pain thresh hold and one of my main triggers for my seizures is pain so off to the ER we went and we got there and they gave me two doses of morphine and pulled it out. And I thought I was gonna faint it hurt so bad! So now not only do I have the discomfort from the surgery its self I now I have extra cramps and kidney pain again because all this urine and bacteria once they pulled the stent out got flushed back up into my kidneys. So this day or two recovery time is turning into more than what we though. ugh. It kinda feels like I can't catch a break this week no matter what I do. It it just a lose lose situation all week.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

My Surgery!

Well it looks like my kidney stone surgery is tomorrow at 7:45am! I am so happy its finally here!!!! I will keep everyone posted about how it went tomorrow after I am home and had some rest! If you can't wait till then you can call me or John :) I promise one of us will answer and will be happy to talk to you!!

Love you all!

xoxoxoxo WISH ME LUCK!!!!

A Bit Of Good News!

So last week I had a cyst removed from a private place and they tested it for cancerous cells and then they wanted to test me for this other disease that for the life of me I cannot spell, which would make me EXTREMELY infertile. This really freaked me out, I mean I want kids and to have someone almost take that a way, well wow is all I can say. Its a pretty awful thing to have to consider. So besides the kidney stone stress I have been under quite a lot not to mention all the mini crisis's John and I have had to deal with the week too including a possible layoff for John. Lets just say my already over active brain was doing double time trying to keep myself from having a melt down, but I got my results for both tests, the cyst and the one disease and the both came out negative!!!! WAHOO. But now back to the drawing board on why I am having this certain problem. hmmm.  But at this very second I am going to sit back and enjoy these two victories! :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kidney Stone Surgery

Hello everyone!
Just and update on my kidney stones, I have had them for about a month now and actually have passed at least one that I was aware of about 2 weeks ago. Then I was fine for about a week then Thursday the 8th I actually woke up in worse pain than I had had before with the other ones. So I called my Urologist and they said go straight to the ER to get some help relieving the pain cause the Lortab and Perkacet that I had wasn't doing anything. So we went and the doped me up on Morphine and took a CT scan to see where this next stone was and how big, well this stone was just outside of the kidney itself and stuck in my ureter. They said it was a 3.5 mm size stone. Then they ran some blood test and more urine samples and said I have some kind of infection along with my stone and sent me home with more pain meds and antibiotics and said to make a follow up appointment with my doctor ASAP. So thats what I did, and I was seen the next day. My urologist looked at my CT films and said that my stone was bigger than the ER had estimated and was actually 5-6mm big, which is pretty big as stones go and told me she was almost positive that I couldn't pass it on my own. So we scheduled me for my surgery. Which is on Friday the 16th. Which I really wish they would have not made me wait another week cause this is some of the worst pain I have ever felt and now I have to deal with it more even though they know I won't pass it on my own?! I don't get why they are actually waiting but I guess I have dealt with having these for month now whats one more week right? So this surgery they are gonna do is not where they just break up the stone to smaller pieces then let me pass them myself. They are actually going to go in through my urethra up through my bladder and into my ureter and blast it smaller then pull them out afterwards so I don't have to pass them myself. But then they are going to put in a plastic stent. Which from my understanding will go in the opening of my kidney that is connected to my ureter so that way if I develop more stones in the future that are of the bigger size they will fit through without getting stuck. They said my recovery time would most likely be about 2-3 days. My kidney will be sore and it will "feel like peeing acid" for the first day or two according to the nurse I talked to today when I registered. but other than that recovery won't be to bad.  I'm pretty nervous but I will be SOOOO happy once these are out of me! However, when my urologist looked over my CT films she said it looks like there are at least 2 small stones in my right kidney now!!!! Hopefully they don't come out right now and give me some time to feel a little better after all this before they decide to make an appearance. Anywho, I just wanted to get an update on her so you all could be informed of whats going on and I will make sure John or myself lets all of you know how things went on friday!
Love you all!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


On July 10, 2000 Alexandria Marie Ausick was

born and oh boy was this family in for a treat! She was the cutest baby we'd all seen! She had these big eyes and such tiny features. She just melted your heart as soon as you laid eyes on her! She has kept us all on our toes since too! She is turned 10 yesterday! Can you believe it? Wow how time flies! It seems like yesterday she was just this tiny thing and now today she is almost as tall as I am and she definitely has some sass in her! I love her to death and would do anything for her! She has been through her fair share of hard times even though she shouldn't have had to and it has made her and everyone around her a stronger person just by witnessing her strength and courage that she exhumes. She is amazing and I am truly honored and happy that I get to call her my niece! She drives me crazy at times but she is great and you can't help but smile and laugh at least a little bit every time she is around! She has got one crazy personality and imagination! One of her infamous imagination stories is her stating and still insisting, might I remind you, that she remembers being in her mommy's tummy and being born. In a tank top and shorts. She said that when she was like 4 and still to this day she sticks to it. She can tell you stories like you wouldn't believe either. Plus they take 10 hours for her to recite to you too. Penny, my step-mom and Lexi's guardian, has this picture of Jesus sitting on a rock with this little blond haired girl sitting on his lap, well in case you couldn't have guessed, Lexi thinks thats her too! :) She's a crazy one! I could go on and on with stories about Lexi, there is just so many! You never know what your gonna hear when it comes to Lexi's mouth. I think I should record some of these so you can all get the full effect of her! Any who, I just wanted to post a little something about my amazing niece Lexi for her birthday, now that she is 10! Here are some pictures of her when she was just that irresistible!