How long we've been married

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend Part 3

TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! I turn 23 today. Wahoo. Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes and gifts! We didn't do much, just hung out with family, which is just fine by me! Penny and Dad made dinner, and Amber and Jared cooked and brought cupcakes! YuM! Then we watch Wesley play in his little pool, which is alway funny cause he gets so excited then he POOPS in it! He does that every time he takes a bath too! I swear that kid, just being in water is a laxative! Then Lexi and her friend Kamora jumped some on the tramp. They seemed to enjoy it so it was nice to watch them.  I took more pictures of course and mostly are Wesley, how'd ya guess? hahaha you know I just can't help it. I try to take more of other people and I just end up with ugly pictures of them and then I go back to Wes. I can't help it. If he wasn't so damn cute I think I could do better but he's stinkin adorable so I just fall back into my normal routine. I start school in less than a month, can you believe it? I can't! But I sure am excited! It will be amazing! I'm sure of it! Well I know you all are on here to see the Wesley pictures and get your fix of him so I will post them on her too. Seems how I don't really have that much to report today cause we didn't do much.

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