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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Not so well surgery update.

So yesterday was my surgery, Everything went okay I guess during the surgery. They did end up blasting it into two pieces but when they got in there they think the stone was once again bigger than anticipated so when they split it up the two pieces it ended up to be were still significant in size and they couldn't collect all the baby pieces that broke off the two pieces they did. So they did put in the stent which is just temporary not permanent like I thought but that was the most uncomfortable thing ever! They left this string about 7-8 inches long hanging out so when the time came to remove they could just pull on the string and get it out. Well once we got me home about 2 I was going to the bathroom and some how snagged the string on my underwear which hurt something fierce. then I went about my day and Lexi and my dad and penny,Kristi, Wesley, Amber, Jared, Trisha, Chris, Hope, Jaidan and Chris's nephew Gage came over to celebrate Lexi's birthday by going swimming and came back to our apartment to eat some pizza and cupcakes and ice cream when I started noticing a lot of liquid just constantly draining. And I did know that some blood and a little liquid was normal but this was a ton, so much that it was soaking through these pads I have to wear and my underwear and pants. It looked like I peed my pants. and It keep doing that like a constant leak so I called the on-call doctor and he said that when I snagged it earlier I pulled the stent out of place and was now just allowing all the fluid I was taking in to just pass straight through my bladder and out. So I had no control over when I pee'd and when I didn't. It just came all the time. So he said I needed it to come out. HE WANTED ME TO PULL IT OUT MYSELF!!!! Then he came to tell me that, that would be extremely unpleasant and would hurt but to take a pain pill and get in a  hot bath then pull it out or go to the ER and have them do it. Well I was already in a great deal of pain and I was so raw down there and in side that John and I didn't dare do it ourselves seems how I don't have that great of a pain thresh hold and one of my main triggers for my seizures is pain so off to the ER we went and we got there and they gave me two doses of morphine and pulled it out. And I thought I was gonna faint it hurt so bad! So now not only do I have the discomfort from the surgery its self I now I have extra cramps and kidney pain again because all this urine and bacteria once they pulled the stent out got flushed back up into my kidneys. So this day or two recovery time is turning into more than what we though. ugh. It kinda feels like I can't catch a break this week no matter what I do. It it just a lose lose situation all week.

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