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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Kidney Stone Surgery

Hello everyone!
Just and update on my kidney stones, I have had them for about a month now and actually have passed at least one that I was aware of about 2 weeks ago. Then I was fine for about a week then Thursday the 8th I actually woke up in worse pain than I had had before with the other ones. So I called my Urologist and they said go straight to the ER to get some help relieving the pain cause the Lortab and Perkacet that I had wasn't doing anything. So we went and the doped me up on Morphine and took a CT scan to see where this next stone was and how big, well this stone was just outside of the kidney itself and stuck in my ureter. They said it was a 3.5 mm size stone. Then they ran some blood test and more urine samples and said I have some kind of infection along with my stone and sent me home with more pain meds and antibiotics and said to make a follow up appointment with my doctor ASAP. So thats what I did, and I was seen the next day. My urologist looked at my CT films and said that my stone was bigger than the ER had estimated and was actually 5-6mm big, which is pretty big as stones go and told me she was almost positive that I couldn't pass it on my own. So we scheduled me for my surgery. Which is on Friday the 16th. Which I really wish they would have not made me wait another week cause this is some of the worst pain I have ever felt and now I have to deal with it more even though they know I won't pass it on my own?! I don't get why they are actually waiting but I guess I have dealt with having these for month now whats one more week right? So this surgery they are gonna do is not where they just break up the stone to smaller pieces then let me pass them myself. They are actually going to go in through my urethra up through my bladder and into my ureter and blast it smaller then pull them out afterwards so I don't have to pass them myself. But then they are going to put in a plastic stent. Which from my understanding will go in the opening of my kidney that is connected to my ureter so that way if I develop more stones in the future that are of the bigger size they will fit through without getting stuck. They said my recovery time would most likely be about 2-3 days. My kidney will be sore and it will "feel like peeing acid" for the first day or two according to the nurse I talked to today when I registered. but other than that recovery won't be to bad.  I'm pretty nervous but I will be SOOOO happy once these are out of me! However, when my urologist looked over my CT films she said it looks like there are at least 2 small stones in my right kidney now!!!! Hopefully they don't come out right now and give me some time to feel a little better after all this before they decide to make an appearance. Anywho, I just wanted to get an update on her so you all could be informed of whats going on and I will make sure John or myself lets all of you know how things went on friday!
Love you all!

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