How long we've been married

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Bit Of Good News!

So last week I had a cyst removed from a private place and they tested it for cancerous cells and then they wanted to test me for this other disease that for the life of me I cannot spell, which would make me EXTREMELY infertile. This really freaked me out, I mean I want kids and to have someone almost take that a way, well wow is all I can say. Its a pretty awful thing to have to consider. So besides the kidney stone stress I have been under quite a lot not to mention all the mini crisis's John and I have had to deal with the week too including a possible layoff for John. Lets just say my already over active brain was doing double time trying to keep myself from having a melt down, but I got my results for both tests, the cyst and the one disease and the both came out negative!!!! WAHOO. But now back to the drawing board on why I am having this certain problem. hmmm.  But at this very second I am going to sit back and enjoy these two victories! :)

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