How long we've been married

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend Part 2

Ok we went out to Matt and Mary's, and Emily's ;), on Sunday to meet the new addition, Emily and let me tell you she is a doll!  She has definitely been worth the wait! She is so lovable and cuddly! Thats the best part of being with a baby/toddler if you ask me! I just can't stop squishing and lovin' them to death! She seems to take really well with strangers so that meant lots of good stuff with Sara and John! We went with them all to the park and she really enjoyed picking at the grass and sticks and sticks with leaves, and then naturally trying to put all of the above in her mouth! Lorainne, Lisa, Laura, and Tyce were there too of course and Tyce just has found a new friend in Emily. He wanted to know where she was, what she was doing at all times during the day! Then on our way home poor Emily was just exhausted and before we even made it to the end of the block on the walk home she fell asleep in her stroller! ADORABLE I tell you!!! ADORABLE! I cannot stress enough about how cute and lovable this one is! She is gonna have all your hearts the moment you lay eyes on her! She's gonna have us all wrapped around her little fingers! Now I will show you in pictures just how cute she is!!!! Enjoy!

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