How long we've been married

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

PLEASE HELP! For Kendra :)

July 18 2009 was perfect.
she came to us.
she opened her eyes, she took her first breath.
my world stopped.
everything changed.
she was my reason.
before she was even born i was planning trips, play dates, outings, summer parties, winter parties, birthday parties. i was going to have the perfect outfit for her. i was going to make sure she had a blast and it was something she would remember for a lifetime.
she lived 4 months 3 weeks and 4 days.
during her life it was a party everyday for me.
i celebrated every second of her life.
we had 1 month birthday parties, we had park days, we had spa days.
it just wasn't enough for an entire lifetime.
i need more.

while our muffin is dancing in heaven
on July 17th 2010 we will be here celebrating her life.
all 4 months, 3 weeks and 4 days of it.
we are giving her a 1st birthday party.
complete with the fairy theme i imagined.


You are ALL invited.
your friends, your family, your neighbors- all invited.
Makenzie's birthday will be an extravagant, out of this world, super cool, fun- fundraiser.
all money raised will be donated to the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation 
to help fund SMA research.
Makenzie had SMARD, however, there is currently no research being done solely on SMARD but through SMA we are hoping to find a cure for both these diseases.
no child should have to go through this.
no child should have to struggle to live.
no parent should have to bury their child.
this is what its about. to find a cure.

Now I'm reaching out to all of you asking for your help.
We are in need of volunteers.
I have some amazing entertainers offer to volunteer their services for our event.
I have some amazing people helping donate some food.
But we will need more.
For the amount of people we are planning (approx. 500 - 1000)
and to help raise the money I am hoping ($10,000)
I need all the help I can get.
Some of the events include but are not limited to:
*cotton candy machine
*An amazing bounce house
*Silent Auction
*A Clown
*The Magic of Timothy- the Magician
*Kenzie Fairy Boutique and seriously--- SO much more!

Right now I am needing help with the following:
* Items for the silent auction.
* Sponsors- If you know someone or you are interested please let me know.
I have different sponsor levels and your business will have the proper signage and publicity for the level they are at.
* If you know any other entertainers that would be interested in donating their services.

You can contact me through email and I can give you my phone number from there.

I hope you can all commit to coming to this event!
You will not only be promised a fabulous time but you will be helping an amazing cause and celebrating an incredible little girl.

Some information about SMA
-SMA kills more infants and young children than any other inherited disease!
-SMA is degenerative and terminal — often termed the “Lou Gehrig’s disease of babies”.
-Although born seemingly healthy, babies with SMA eventually lose the ability to walk, crawl, sit, eat, breath, and even swallow.
-1 in 40 people unknowingly carry the SMA gene. Few have a family history of the disease.
-There is currently no treatment and no cure, but the National Institutes of Health (NIH) selected SMA as the disease closest to treatment of more than 600 neurological disorders.
-Researchers estimate that a viable treatment and/or cure is attainable in as little as 5 years – IF provided adequate resources.
-SMA is considered a "model" disease already benefiting research into ALS, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, the muscular dystrophies and even some forms of cancer.
For more information about SMA visit the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation.

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