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Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Making My Jump!

Tomorrow I start school at Utah College of Massage Therapy. Let me tell you all I am super excited! But OMG nervous! I didn't do too well last time around for school. I did great when I applied myself. But then I got bored and motivationless and I stopped trying. Now I am older and definitely more mature, no matter what any of you say, so I should be fine. right? I think I am psyching  my self out. I just don't want to fail at this. I want to do great and go far with this choice I made. And to think about not being able to scares the hell out of me! It will be different this time. I know it will. but it will be harder too. All I can do is just jump in head first and work my ass of and hope for the best! :) So here I go tomorrow morning, nice and early. Im making my jump.

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