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Thursday, August 19, 2010

School update!

Hey all!
I know I haven't updated about school since I started. Been really busy. But I have some time today so I will give you all an update. :) I LOVE IT! Its hard, but I'm loving the challenge. Its nice to exercise my brain a little, lol. I have had two semi-major tests in anatomy and one evaluation on my swedish massage and on the two anatomy test I got 100% on the first one, then I got 95% on the second ( but this one was on cell structure, really, who cares that much about what is inside of an individual cell?) Then on my evaluation I got 22 of 25 points. My stances were a little off but other than my instructor said I did great! So yay!  I'm really surprised at how much "work" it really is though. I kinda had this notion of I would just go into school and learn just the basic massage and then be done. But I have to learn all the different modalities/types, then reflexology, which is by far one of my favorite things I am learning right now. Its SO interesting! Then anatomy, which is a super intense class. They really expect a lot in this one. We are expected to know all the anatomical names for every part of the body. Plus some medical terminology. I have a professor and his apprentice from the University of Utah teaching that class. But all in all its great. I'm thinking about doing the Master Body Worker program when I am done with this course. Which my graduation date is March 10th. With that, it will give me more skills and more knowledge to take the national test which if I pass I am certified in all states and some different countries. I think anyways. Thats my understanding anyway. So why not right? Why wouldn't I want to do it? Why would I want to limit myself and my potential to just this state? I wouldn't. Plus the MBW program is only 1 quarter long, which is only another 10 weeks. Not bad. but I still have a while to worry about that.
John is enjoying me in school too, he gets to be my model that I practice everything on ;)
Any who, I know this isn't the best update but you at least get a little idea of how its going. I will try to check in more though. Love you and miss you all!

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