How long we've been married

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I don't know what else to do. I have asked nicely numerous times. No one is listening! I don't want to hear about her! I don't want to hear about her life, what she is doing with her life. NOTHING!
I'm so tired of her getting people to go to battle for her! That is exactly why she is the way she is. She knows that there is always going to be someone to go to bat for her and she won't have to do anything, own up to anything! This is bullsh*t. Leave me alone when it comes to this issue. All of you who refuse to respect my wishes are really just pushing me away from you. Don't you get that she is winning? This is exactly what she wants and wanted all along. I wish she would just go away!
And don't you dare tell me how I am supposed to feel, act/react, what to do, say or not to say!
I am not a child, I'm not 16 you are not my mother, you don't get to tell me how to do any of this. I will deal and express and heal the way I feel fit! Quit trying to be the hero! She and everyone else doesn't need you or anyone else to be the hero. What we need is for her to own up and fix the shit she broke. Her saying she is going to is a whole other thing and not even close to being good enough. She has lied so many times, made so many promises and broke them that I do not believe a damn word that comes out of her mouth. If she doesn't like it to bad! She put herself in this situation all by her self, she can deal with the repercussions of her actions, for once! I'm done asking nicely! Apparently asking nicely is getting me nowhere. So if you all don't back off thats it! I will bow out of your lives as well! This is way to stressful for me. Its affecting everything I do, everyone I know. The relationships between myself and others. I'm done with this LEAVE IT ALONE!!!!!!

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