It was a fairly busy weekend, or at least it felt that way. Friday night I didn't do much of anything except for order Chinese food with my dad and penny and the rest of the fam. and stay in and play games. Scrabble and Rumicube wahoo. John went out to M & M's house to get his rings back for his scope. Saturday we went to lunch with penny and her family cause it was my Grandma Grandes 85th birthday on Tuesday so everyone went to lunch with her to celebrate that milestone. Then Sunday we went to see Avatar, which is an awesome movie by the way. I'm ready to go see it again!
The weekend was fun, wish it was a little more relaxing but thats okay, at least it wasn't drama filled like so many others. I wish I could say our lives more interesting than that but sadly it's not right now.
On another not so nice news,I think my poor toe is infected!! Over the weekend I had to deal with a swollen foot, yes I said foot not just toe, and its oozing this gross green/yellow stuff. So I called the doctor to see what he says, so now I am waiting for him to call me back. My foot seriously looks like it swallowed a grapefruit on the underneath of my foot. It's awful. It doesn't matter how I sit, try to walk, how I lay down it always hurts. I can barely hobble around on it. I look ridiculous! Not to mention it's just nasty! EEW! I will spare you the more disgusting details. Just take my word for it.
Now for the goodnews! Did you all hear? New Moon comes on DVD on March 30th! Are you excited cause I know I am! :) I know you all will be at a store that day waiting in line to get your copy just like me!
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