July 28th was Miss Savannah's 7th birthday!
She is such a cutie! I didn't know her till about two years ago when my sister found her husband Chris and this tike tagged along with him, and from the first moment I met her she said, " Your my Aunt Sara now!" :) Now its Aunt RaRa like Hope calls me. I love this little girl. I wish that show Kids Say the Darndest Things was still on cause she just lays it out there and it is hilarious most of the time! She has got some serious S-A-S-S too. She fits in nicely with this family for sure! Thats all we are is sass and sarcasm! None of us can get enough of her either. Trisha and Chris had a birthday party for her yesterday and you guessed it I took some pictures! So here they are:
They bought this slip-n-slide and they had tons of fun with it! They were doing contests to see who could go the fastest down the slide!
Crash and burn! but they still loved it!
Jaidan liked it, from a far. He would go up to it but then he would feel the water was cold so then he decided nah I don't want to play in it.
They got a pool too!
This little girl is Taylor, she was so adorable, I wanted to take her home! With her chunky little legs.
Savannah in this picture was jumping to fall on purpose! Lets just say she succeeded...a few times.
Time to sing happy birthday!
Time for presents!!!
She was so excited for these roller blades! It was pretty cute!
And last but not least a picture with her favorite Aunt RaRa. Then there is Aunt Amber in the back ground pulling funny faces. lol.